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Why an alkalised body can give you more energy

To feel in tip top shape and have energy to do the things you love, it helps by having an alkalised body. Everything around us affects our organs. So having alkalised well functioning organs, helps us feel vital and energised. So as we all know, what we put into our bodies, affects how we look and feel.

If you alkalise your body, creating a balanced pH level, then you will be removing those heavy metals and waste that causes you to feel lethargic, have brain fog and generally have low vitality.

What does pH balanced mean for your body?

Your body’s pH level measures its acidity levels. A pH level of 7 is neutral. Anything below 7 is acidic and above 7 is alkaline. Ideally, your body should be between a 7.35 and 7.45 pH level. This means your body should be slightly alkaline, but not too much.

You’ll know when your pH level is off if you’re feeling lethargic and may also have brain fog. It’s hard to function and even stay energised when your body is too acidic.

What is an Alkaline Diet?

An alkaline diet is a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, giving your body what it needs to remain slightly alkaline and not acidic.

What it doesn’t include are any foods considered acidic. The more acidic foods you eat, the harder your body has to work and the worse you feel. Acidic foods include dairy, processed foods, meats, alcohol, processed breads, baked goods, fried food and coffee. It’s the leafy greens which are richest in alkalising properties and that will help you feel and look the best.

The top leafy greens that alkalise your body

Here are some of the best whole foods that are most beneficial when alkalizing your body.

Barley Grass

Barley grass is full of Vitamin B, zinc, copper, iron all of which helps support the elimination of heavy metals and also waste materials. Beta-carotene and chlorophyll are also present in Barley Grass which help stimulate the removal of waste materials. Another benefit of this grass is that it is a liver cleanser.. so if you’ve had a big night on the turps, having a drink of barley grass will help your liver process the alcohol in your system.

Wheat Grass

With more chlorophyll than barley grass, wheat grass is not only a great detoxer it also does fantastic things for your skin!

Chlorophyll is a phytochemical and is the plants blood. It is what give plants their green colour and helps plants absorb the nutrients and energy they obtain from sunlight. For humans, consuming plants with potent amounts of chlorophyll such as wheat grass support the body eliminating waste and also supporting you having clear and healthy skin.

Side note

This image here is a rash or dry skin I have had on my side for a couple of years. I’ve been having an alkalising green powder drink in the morning and evening, and the once large growing red rash is now a diminishing pale pink shape!

Alfalfa leaf

Rich in many vitamins and nutrients including iron, folic acid, calcium, and magnesium which give alfalfa its alkalinity. It’s also great for the urinary and digestive tract, helping to detox and regulate these areas.


Kale is a superfood, is high in magnesium and calcium, both of which are alkalising. It helps too, that kale is rich in Vitamin A, C, and K.


High in magnesium and calcium, the humble spinach is incredibly alkalising. It also provides plenty of vitamin K and folate, both of which your body needs.


You think of parsley as decoration on your plate, but it does a lot more than dress up your dinner. Parsley helps remove heavy metals from your body and contains large amounts of vitamin C and folic acid.


Many people include celery in their diet when they’re trying to loose weight, but it helps regulate a body’s acidity too. It also has high concentrates of potassium, which helps alkalise your body. It’s also great for inflammation and fighting bacteria.

How does alkalising help your body?

When you alkalise your body, you reduce its acidity. When a body is in an acid state, it has trouble focusing, maintaining energy, losing weight, and avoiding inflammation. In an alkaline state, your body will feel more energised, you’ll digest food better, be able to think better, and have less inflammation. You will also find your skin improves!

Without a proper diet, your body can’t retain an alkaline state, especially with the pollution and stress your body undergoes daily. Eating an alkaline diet rich in leafy greens, though, may help.

When your body is left to alkalise itself, it uses up the calcium from your bones to reduce the acid. While your body may feel better, this puts your bones at risk. Bones low in calcium are at risk of osteoporosis, and broken bones.

Don’t rely on your body’s ability to fight acidity, instead, adopt a healthy alkaline diet and help your body get what it needs. Have a look at adding to your diet a green powder like Green Spirit– an easy way to boost your daily intake of alkalising leafy greens.

How to start an alkalise your body

While you can consume all the fruits and vegetables you want, be sure to include as many of the leafy green vegetables discussed above. They’ll help fight the acid and give your body the nutrients it needs.

In addition, try decreasing your meat consumption, and including lemon or lime juice in your water. Even though lemons and limes are acidic, the lemon or lime juice is acidic on its own, but when you consume it and it metabolises in your body, it’s alkaline.

If you want energy, the ability to focus, to improve your body from the outside i.e. skin, you need green leafy vegetables in your daily food intake.

I have a smoothie once a day and throw in 2 cubes of frozen spinach, about 30 grams each. Check out the Farmers Spinach brand in Woolworths – easy for smoothie blending.

I also have Green Spirit in water twice a day. I have it in the evening, before I go to the bed, as it is when we are sleeping that the body is repairing and detoxing – hence why urine is a lovely golden to burnt yellow in the morning. The only downer to drinking water before going to bed is having to go to the loo during the night.

As I get older, my body’s ability to handle booze is drastically decreasing. I love the odd cocktail, but it’s taking its toll. The liver is the main organ that processes and breaks down alcohol. You can help your liver process alcohol and remove toxins and waste, by having alkalising greens. So I have a large alkalising green drink before I head out for a night when I know I’ll have a couple of alcoholic beverages and before I go to bed.

So that’s my overview and my experience of alkalising your body with green leafy vegetables to feel energised and to look your best!

If you have any thoughts or ideas on topics you would like me to cover, please drop me a line at


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