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vegan "chiken" & corn zoodle soup

I made this for Gregos the other day after his tongue operation as he couldn’t eat anything and needed something warm and hearty. It’s a really rich soup and also has nutritional value.

Instead of chicken, I replaced this with vegan ‘chicken like meat’ by Sunfed. It’s also gluten free so no popping off later.. plus, the ingredients are natural, clean and lean. If you can’t find the vegan chicken meat, try jackfruit instead or shredded hard tofu.

I also swapped regular white rice noodles, for zucchini noodles 'zoodles' using a spiralizer (you can also buy packets of fresh zoodles from the supermarket). However, if it’s too hard to make zoodles just get some regular rice noodles.


  • Vegan chicken like meat like Sunfed – 150 grams. Break up the vegan chicken into small chunks.

  • Coconut oil – about 2 tablespoons for cooking

  • Garlic – 1 clove or 1 teaspoon minced

  • Onion – 1/2 thinly sliced

  • Carrot – 1 and thinly sliced

  • Zucchini – 2 medium and spiralised into zoodles i.e. zucchini noodles.

  • Corn – 1 cup

  • Plant based milk – 2 tablespoons

  • Vegetable stock water – 650 mls

  • Sea salt or rock salt for seasoning

Putting it all together

First make the cream corn but blending ½ cup of corn, with plant based milk and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. If you find the blended too thick just add another tablespoon of plant based milk until you get a smooth but not runny texture.

  • In a large pot, add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and heat until melted.

  • Add the onion and lightly heat until translucent.

  • Add the garlic and carrot and lightly fry.

  • Add the vegan chicken season with salt. Lightly fry.

  • Add ½ cup of corn and lightly fry.

  • Add the vegetable stock and stir through until the soup is hot.

  • Add the creamed corn mixture and mix through.

  • Add the zoodles (zucchini noodles) and heat the soup for about 5 – 7 minutes. Avoiding boiling the soup.

  • Season with salt.

Bon Appetite! x

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