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Struggling to drink more water?

In my younger days, my idea of water was wine and coffee. Seriously I have been like a desert cat for years and drank S.F.A. when it came to water.

What did that do to me? Well not much in terms of vitality and health. Physically I would be tired, have dry skin, lack energy, have ‘brain fog’ among many other negative effects.

What are the benefits with drinking more water?

We all probably know these, but here is a reminder of some of the benefits you can gain from being hydrated.

Skin is clear and plump i.e. youthful!

Better flexibility

Flatter stomach

More energy

Less headaches

Better physical performance

From what I have learned, we need to drink 1 litre of water for every 22.2 kgs of body weight.

For me, that would be 3 litres a day. How on earth can I do that?

Well my friends, here is my strategy!


· Set your alarm on your phone to go off on the hour. This is your cue to drink a glass of water.

· Measure the quantity of water your glass will hold so you can keep track on how much water you are actually taking in

· Write each hour down and the amount of water. Tick off your check list once you have drunk a glass of water. Ticking things off, will give you a sense of achievement and will help to keep the momentum going so the habit is cemented.

Even if you drink a 250ml glass every hour for 8 hours, you will have consumed 2 litres of water, which is not to be scoffed at.

..Stay hydrated!

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