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Mini exercises to elevate your fitness

The new normal, 'working from home' (WFH), has been a challenge for many of us. I used to ride my bike to work, run at lunch time and get to the gym about three times a week. Man, what a luxury to have those options!

But WFH has changed the way we live (especially in Melbourne!). How I can I still get my daily exercise while working from home? Here are my tips on how to maximise your exercise time while you work from home.

"The Mini Exercise Strategy"

If you’re struggling to get motivated with exercise, just give yourself short bursts of exercise time blocks, like 30 seconds - 2 mins. It’s about getting your mind and body into the habit of doing mini sessions.. and from there you can build up to longer blocks. After a period of time of doing short bursts of exercise, your body will start to sending you cravings to do more exercise and so it snowballs.

1. Microwave time

You’ve set the timer on the microwave.. 30 secs, 1 min, 2 min etc. Rather than just pottering about in the kitchen, squeeze in a mini exercise session.

I do mountain climber as it is easy to just get onto your hands and toes and not need to lie on the floor. Mountain Climber is tough but only only need short bursts for great overall body tone - targeting your shoulder strength and abs. Being a runner, I am also a fan of lunges or squats to build leg strength.. you don't need long time periods to feel the burn with these exercises!

2. Watching TV

Terrific opportunity when you're watching something on the box, to also do some exercise.

Treat it as a reward! Set your timer for 5 - 10 minutes for exercise. TV is a treat, and if I want to watch the box (which I try to avoid), I have to do some exercises like crunches, lunges and stretches. It's a deal I make with myself.

It's handy to write out first your exercise plan so you're not fluffing about wondering what exercise to do next.

For example,

  1. 3 x 13 second lunges

  2. 3 x 13 shoulder raises

  3. 3 x 13 bicep curls (4 normal pace, 4 slow, 4 with 2 second hold at the bottom, middle and top and back down again)

  4. 3 x 13 second lunges

Repeat the cycle until you hit your time limit.

These exercises means you can face the TV front-on so you're being productive at least while watching TV.

3. Feeling sluggish at the desk .. or dining room table?

Hey.. pick up some weights. Do some bicep curls, shoulder raises, quick set of lunges, squats or what ever takes your fancy. You will oxygenate your body and get the bloody flowing so you will feel more alert and alive. You only need to do between 30 seconds to 2 minutes to feel refreshed.

Tip! A standing up unit or desk helps with feeling alert as well as burning fat. I recently held a meeting at my standing up desk, and felt a lot more focussed and on the ball than sitting down at my pseudo desk (dining room table).

4. Simple anywhere exercise.. calf raises!

‘Calf raise’ exercise is when you stand on your toes and lower your heels up and down. Doing calf raises on stairs (your heels are half off the stair) gives you more motion in the exercise and more juice. You’ll definitely feel the burn in your glutes and hamstrings.. fabulous for getting shaped calves!


Have any exercise equipment in view! It will remind your brain that there is an activity to do!

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