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Juicing for vitality

Juicing is fantastic for feeling light, energised and generally feeling healthy.

It can help with loosing weight and detoxifying your body. If you get bored with drinking water, a freshly pressed juice adds a bit of excitement (your brain is always seeking a thrill) while keeping hydrated.

What kind of juicer?

You can pay anything from $50 to $1K plus.. I got a little beauty for $50. Cold pressed, slow juicer by Princess. My poor machine has been getting a bashing over the last 10 years and she is still going!

Is 'Blending' the same as 'Juicing'?

No. You are consuming the whole fruit or vegetable if blending. Juicing is an extracting process. Both are beneficial and some days I'll blend up a smoothie, other times I'm in a juice phase.

So without further ado, lets get stuck into some of my favourite juice recipes for vitality!

Morning Zest!

- Whole ginger (not from a jar). 5cm piece

- Apple or 2

- Watermelon (1/4)

- Lemon or orange

Green power

- Handful of spinach or kale. If using Kale, remove the leaves from the stem

- Pineapple (1/2 or whole) depending on how much juice it yields

- Parsley or mint

Once juiced, add 1/2 cup of coconut water for ultra hydration.

Strong immune system

- 4 Carrots

- 1 Beet root

- 2 Apples

- 1 Lemon

- 1 orange

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