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Green minestrone soup

Quick, easy and healthy.. my motto with most of my cooking.. plus it must tick the GF and Vegan box ;)

I was inspired by a similar recipe from the Woolworths magazine but beefed it up (not literally) with tofu and broccoli. I didn't have any mini pasta so just used what I had in the cupboard. So with out too much fluff, let's get stuck into my version of the Green Minestrone Soup recipe :)

What you'll need

The base

  • Onion 1/2 or whole.. depending on how fond you are of onion, finely chopped

  • Leek, 1/2.. finely chopped

  • Garlic cloves x 2, minced. Or use minced garlic from a jar, 1 - 2 teaspoons.

  • Olive oil - 1 - 2 tablespoons

Soup filling

  • Vegetable stock - 750mls (two teaspoons of vegetable stock to 750ml boiled water)

  • Tofu, around 250grams, diced into small chunks whatever size you prefer.

  • Peas (frozen) 100 grams or so

  • Spinach frozen or fresh. I use a few small frozen spinach cubes by Bell Farms (available at Woollies)

  • Pasta 100 grams or so. Small pasta is a tradition in minestrones, but use whatever you have o hand.

  • Broccoli - sliced into small pieces.

  • Optional - Cannellini beans.. adds some extra volume to your soup.

  • Optional - nutritional yeast. I love nutritional yeast.. you can get it from health food stores and even supermarkets. It provides a 'cheezy-like' taste.

  • Italian herbs like oregano, parsley and or basil. If using dry herbs, add a teaspoon of each. If using fresh, add a handful of chopped herbs.


  • Medium-sized pot

  • Wooden spoon (preferable)

Pulling it all together

The base

  • Add the olive oil to your pot then the onion and leek and lightly fry.

  • Add garlic and lightly fry but don't brown your garlic.

  • Season with salt & pepper.

Soup filling

  • Add the chopped tofu and fry. Add some more olive oil if needed.

  • If using cannallini beans, add them as well and lightly fry.

  • Add the vegetable stock.

  • Add your pasta of choice.

  • Add the spinach and peas

  • Add your herbs

  • Optional sprinkle in some nutritional yeast like 1 tablespoon

  • Season with salt and pepper

  • Simmer your soup until the pasta is cooked.

While you simmer your soup, steam the broccoli just to the point where you can stick a fork into the stem.

Tip: Broccoli can overcook quickly and bright coloured broccoli florets can quickly turn into dark green/brown, broccoli with an overcooked flavour.

Serve the milestone in a bowl then add the broccoli.

This soup will last for 3-5 days in the fridge.

Enjoy my friends...


PS: if you see any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors or stuff that doesn't make sense, let me know!

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